Monday, May 16, 2011

Today in the news

It is not often that I bother to pick up a newspaper these days.   Maybe because I am becoming more and more allergic to the rubbish.  I am struggling to understand whether my disdain is due to either the incredible stupidity of the people in the news or the incredibly stupid coverage of a sensible story.  Either way the outcome is the same.

I did pick up Evening Standard today for some reason.  Old habit I think rather than desire to read it.  I skimmed through (only 4 stops on the tube) and managed to remind myself why I don't bother any more

News of a bomb threat in London seemed to bring out the worst in reporting today.  "The threat was for a bomb to explode in London today, but the exact time or place was not specified".  What a great line to put into a commuting paper.  Londoners have lived through so many bomb threats and real bombs that I doubt many really give a hoot any more.  As I read this I headed down into London Bridge tube without even a second thought.

My favorite story goes to page 2 and the TfL story.  "TfL pays £2 to Tube customers hit by disruption".  One assumed they did not mean in total, but each.  This was duly cleared up though in the article.
1700 passengers had to be led along darkened tunnels (their words) from stranded Jubilee line trains on April 19th.  I wondered whether they darkened the tunnels on purpose.    The complaint seems to be that most people only got £2 compensation.  Boo hoo.  Get over it or go live in the country.  Or Farnborough or in fact most other places in the country where you do not have the convenience of being able to travel between 2 streets which are virtually next to each other by tube.
The prize in this story goes to 'Susie Stonham, 35 who works in a photography studio'.   She is quoted as saying  "I had to spend more than £20 getting a taxi.  I'm glad that TfL acknowledged what happened by giving me compensation but it's not enough.  What I went through was my worst nightmare"

Really Susie love?  Get a life hon.  If your worst nightmare is getting stuck for a few hours on a broken down tube and being led to safety along a tunnel followed by a £20 taxi fare is your worst nightmare then you need to get out a bit more.  What about gang rape followed by torture and decapitation?  What about flesh eating disease?  Your whole family dying of dirty bomb radiation induced cancer?

Next on the list of 'why give these people air time' is Chris Huhne.  He and his family are going through a particularly difficult time due to divorce and he is now under investigation for asking his wife to put points from a speeding offence on her license.  Something is not quite right here.  Let me explain.

"Mr Huhne, 56, strongly denies that his now estranged wife Vicky Pryce, who he left for a bisexual aide, was wrongly named as the driver for a speeding offence so that he did not lose his license."

Apart from the oooo errr misses of what a bisexual aid is it seems a little odd that such a claim has been made.  It was also not clear who had made the claim against him.  If the accusation is true then how could that have occurred without her knowledge?  When you get a speeding offence they ask you to send in your license to be marked up with the points?  Did he send her license off without her knowing and open the mail on the way back?  How would she not notice?

This is a high risk story if it was leaked by her.  She has a high profile career in government and whatever is proved about what happened (nobody is denying the offence so the points went somewhere) there is going to be mud sticking to both parties.

Finally, the story about the footballers lover who is complaining in the press how unfair it is that she is named as the lover of a footballer who has the money and has put in place a super injunction.    She says "I know what I did was wrong but he's the one with the wife and children - he's the cheater".  A fact she was not aware of when she played her part in this episode?  It was all ok apparently when she thought he would leave the wife and kids to be with her.  So many levels of wrong I just can't be bothered to write about them

So I will refrain from picking up the ES again for a while.  Its a bit like drinking too much.  You say never again but it only lasts as long as the memory of the last hangover.  Picking up the ES turned out to be my worst nightmare.  Eh Susie dear!


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