I am not one of the people on the plannet who are bothered by adverts. Provided they are not invasive or try and trick me (i.e. hidden ads or ads posing as computer messages or notifications) then I do not mind. They are a mild distraction at best. For many years I have thought that I would like to see adverts for products and services that I don't know about and would like to use.
So it does not bother me that much that things like my interests are used to help filter ads. But I have to say that I am frustrated by the poor use of the data that they do have access to. I used to hate Google because every entry one put in would return page after page of kelkoo links which were simply middlemen to other people's sites.
I noted today that facebook are heading the same way. I did express an interest in poetry in my facebook profile. So was annoyed not to see ads for poetry course, or poetry books but one generic recruitment site which simply used the term poet? look for poet jobs here.
The worst crime is not the use of my data, the crime is the completely wasted opportunities that this rubbish technology provides for both the advertiser and the consumer.
So it does not bother me that much that things like my interests are used to help filter ads. But I have to say that I am frustrated by the poor use of the data that they do have access to. I used to hate Google because every entry one put in would return page after page of kelkoo links which were simply middlemen to other people's sites.
I noted today that facebook are heading the same way. I did express an interest in poetry in my facebook profile. So was annoyed not to see ads for poetry course, or poetry books but one generic recruitment site which simply used the term poet? look for poet jobs here.
The worst crime is not the use of my data, the crime is the completely wasted opportunities that this rubbish technology provides for both the advertiser and the consumer.